Number crunching
When I was in graduate school, I specialized in differential equations, studying theory and numerical solution techniques. Along the way I did some consulting in numerical analysis.
After I finished my Ph.D at University of Texas in 1992, I did a postdoc at Vanderbilt University. There I did research in differential equations and taught, among other things, numerical analysis. I also did some work in finite element error estimation for the U. S. Army Corp of Engineers.
I then left academia in 1995 to work in the private sector where I did digital signal processing (DSP) and software development.
In 2000 I came to MD Anderson Cancer Center where I worked in statistical computing, especially Bayesian statistics. There I worked on high-dimensional integration, special function evaluation, simulation, etc. I have also applied these same skills as a consultant for businesses in a variety of industries.
I have developed scientific software for Windows and Linux using a variety of programming languages: C++, C#, Python, Mathematica, and R. I have written journal articles and technical reports on applied mathematics, computation, and statistics. I have also given numerous presentations in these areas.
If you would like for me to help your company with numerical computing projects, please let me know.