R programming for those coming from other languages
Assignment and underscore
Variable name gotchas
Boolean operators
Missing values and NaNs
Other resources
I have written software professionally in perhaps a dozen programming languages, and the hardest language for me to learn has been R. The language is actually fairly simple, but it is unconventional. These notes are intended to make the language easier to learn for someone used to more commonly used languages such as C++, Java, Perl, etc.
R is more than a programming language. It is an interactive environment for doing statistics. I find it more helpful to think of R as having a programming language than being a programming language. The R language is the scripting language for the R environment, just as VBA is the scripting language for Microsoft Excel. Some of the more unusual features of the R language begin to make sense when viewed from this perspective.
This document is a work in progress. Corrections and comments are welcome.
Assignment and underscore
The assignment operator in R is <-
as in
e <- m*c^2
It is also possible, though uncommon, to reverse the arrow and put the receiving variable on the right, as in
m*c^2 -> e
It is sometimes possible to use =
for assignment, though I don't
understand when this is and is not allowed. Most people avoid the issue
by always using the arrow.
However, when supplying default function arguments or calling
functions with named arguments, you must use the =
operator and cannot use the arrow.
At some time in the past R, or its ancestor S, used underscore
as assignment. This meant that the C convention of using underscores
as separators in multi-word variable names was not only disallowed
but produced strange side effects. For example, first_name
would not be a single variable but rather the instruction to
assign the value of name
to the variable first
S-PLUS still follows this use of the underscore. However,
R allows underscore as a variable character and not as an assignment operator.
Variable name gotchas
Because the underscore was not allowed as a variable character,
the convention arose to use dot as a name separator. Unlike its
use in many object oriented languages, the dot character in R has no special
significance, with two exceptions. First, the ls()
function in R lists
active variables much as the ls
Unix shell command lists directory
contents. As the ls
shell command does not list files that begin
with a dot, neither does the ls()
function in R function show
variables that begin with dot by default. Second, ...
is used
to indicate a variable number of function arguments.
R uses $
in a manner analogous to the way other languages use dot.
R has several one-letter reserved words: c
, q
, s
, C
, D
, F
, I
, and T
(Actually, these are not reserved, but it's best to think of them as reserved. For example, c
is a built-in function
for creating vectors, though you could also create a variable named c
. Worse, T
and F
are not synonyms for TRUE
but variables that have the expected values by default. So someone
could include the code T <- FALSE; F <- TRUE
and reverse their meanings!)
The primary data type in R is the vector. Before describing how vectors work in R, it is helpful to distinguish two ideas of vectors in order to set the correct expectations
The first idea of a vector is what I will call a container
vector. This is an ordered collection of numbers
with no other structure, such as the vector<>
container in C++.
The length of a vector is the number of elements in the container.
Operations are applied componentwise. For example, given two vectors
and y
of equal length, x*y
would be the vector
whose nth component is the product of the nth components of x
and y
. Also, log(x)
would be the vector whose nth
component is the logarithm of the nth component of x
The other idea of a vector is a mathematical vector, an
element of a vector space. In this context "length" means
geometrical length determined by an inner product;
the number of components is called "dimension." In general, operations are not applied componentwise.
The expression x*y
is a single number, the inner product of the vectors.
The expression log(x)
is meaningless.
A vector in R is a container vector, a statistician's collection of data, not a mathematical vector. The R language is designed around the assumption that a vector is an ordered set of measurements rather than a geometrical position or a physical state. (R supports mathematical vector operations, but they are secondary in the design of the language.) This helps explain, for example, R's otherwise inexplicable vector recycling feature.
Adding a vector of length 22 and a vector of length 45 in most languages would raise an exception; the language designers would assume the programmer has made an error and the program is now in an undefined state. However, R allows adding two vectors regardless of their relative lengths. The elements of the shorter summand are recycled as often as necessary to create a vector the length of the longer summand. This is not attempting to add physical vectors that are incompatible for addition, but rather a syntactic convenience for manipulating sets of data. (R does issue a warning when adding vectors of different lengths and the length of the longer vector is not an integer multiple of the length of the shorter vector. So, for example, adding vectors of lengths 3 and 7 would cause a warning, but adding vectors of length 3 and 6 would not.)
The R language has no provision for scalars, nothing like a double
C-family languages. The only way to represent a single
number in a variable is to use a vector of length one. And while it
is possible to iterate through vectors as one might do in a for
loop in C, it is usually clearer and more efficient in R to operate
on vectors as a whole.
Vectors are created using the c
function. For example, p <- c(2,3,5,7)
sets p
to the vector containing the first four prime numbers.
Vectors in R are indexed starting with 1 and matrices in are stored in column-major order. In both of these ways R resembles FORTRAN.
Elements of a vector can be accessed using []
. So in the above example, p[3]
is 5.
Vectors automatically expand when assigning to an index past the end of the vector, as in Perl.
Negative indices are legal, but they have a very different meaning than in
some other languages. If x
is an array in Python or Perl,
returns the nth element from the end of the vector. In R,
returns a copy of x
with the nth element removed.
Boolean values can also be used as indices, and they behave differently than integers. See Five kinds of subscripts in R.
The expression seq(a, b, n)
creates a closed interval from a
to b
in steps of size n
. For example, seq(1, 10, 3)
the vector containing 1, 4, 7, and 10. This is similar to range(a, b, n)
in Python, except Python uses open intervals and so the 10 would not be included
in this example. The step size argument n
defaults to 1 in both R and Python.
The notation a:b
is an abbreviation for seq(a, b, 1)
The notation seq(a, b, length=n)
is a variation that will set the step size
to (b-a)/(n-1) so that the sequence has n points.
The type of a vector is the type of the elements it contains and must be
one of the following: logical
, integer
, double
, character
, or raw
. All elements of a vector
must have the same underlying type. This restriction does not apply to lists.
Type conversion functions have the naming convention as.xxx
for the function converts its argument to type xxx
For example, as.integer(3.2)
returns the integer 3, and as.character(3.2)
returns the string "3.2".
Boolean operators
You can input T
for true values and F
for false values.
The operators &
and |
apply element-wise on vectors.
The operators &&
and ||
are often used in conditional statements and
use lazy evaluation as in C: the operators
will not evaluate their second argument if the return value is determined by the first argument.
Lists are like vectors, except elements need not all have the same type. For example, the first element of a list could be an integer and the second element be a string or a vector of Boolean values.
Lists are created using the list
function. Elements can be access
by position using [[]]
. Named elements may be accessed either by position
or by name.
Named elements of lists act like C struct
s, except a dollar sign
rather than a dot is used to access elements.
For example, consider,
a <- list(name="Joe", 4, foo=c(3,8,9))
Now a[[1]]
and a$name
both equal the string "Joe".
If you attempt to access a non-existent element of a list, say a[[4]]
above, you will get an error. However, you can assign
to a non-existent element of a list, thus extending the list. If the index you
assign to is more than one past the end of the list, intermediate elements
are created and assigned NULL
values. You can also assign to non-existent
named fields, such as saying a$baz = TRUE
In a sense, R does not support matrices, only vectors. But you can change the dimension of a vector, essentially making it a matrix.
For example, m <- array( c(1,2,3,4,5,6), dim=c(2,3) )
a matrix m
. However, it may come as a surprise that the first row
of m
has elements 1, 3, and 5.
This is because by default, R fills matrices by column, like FORTRAN.
To fill m
by row, add the argument by.row = TRUE
to the call to the array
Missing values and NaNs
As in other programming languages, the result of an operation on numbers may
return NaN
, the symbol for "not a number." For example, an
operation might overflow the finite range of a machine number, or a program
might request an undefined operation, such as dividing by zero.
R also has
a different type of non-number, NA
for "not applicable."
is used to indicate missing data, and is
unfortunately fairly common in data sets. NA
in R is similar
in SQL or nullable types in C#. However, one must be more
careful about NA
values in R than about nulls in SQL or C#.
The designer of database or the author of a piece of C# code specifies
which values are nullable and can avoid the issue by simply not allowing
such values. The author of an R function, however, has no control over
the data his function will receive because NA
is a legal value inside an R
vector. There is no way to specify that a function takes only vectors with
non-null components. You must handle NA
values, even if you handle
them by returning an error.
The function is.nan
will return TRUE
for those components of its argument that are NaN
. The function
will return true for those components that are NA
or NaN
Comments begin with # and continue to the end of the line, as in Python or Perl.
The function definition syntax of R is similar to that of JavaScript. For example:
f <- function(a, b) { return (a+b) }
The function function
returns a function, which is usually assigned to
a variable, f
in this case, but need not be. You may use the function
statement to create an anonymous function (lambda expression).
Note that return
is a function; its argument must be contained in parentheses,
unlike C where parentheses are optional. The use of return
optional; otherwise the value of the last line executed in a function is its
return value.
Default values are defined similarly to C++. In the following example, b
is set to 10
by default.
f <- function(a, b=10) { return (a+b) }
So f(5, 1)
would return 6, and f(5)
would return 15.
R allows more sophisticated default values than does C++.
A default value in R need not be a static type but
could, for example, be a function of other arguments.
C++ requires that if an argument has a default value then so do all values to the right. This is not the case in R, though it is still a good idea. The function definition
f <- function(a=10, b) { return (a+b) }
is legal, but calling f(5)
would cause an error. The argument a
would be
assigned 5, but no value would be assigned to b
. The reason such a
function definition is not illegal is that one could still call the function
with one named
argument. For example, f(b=2)
would return 12.
Function arguments are passed by value. The most common mechanism for passing variables by reference is to use non-local variables. (Not necessarily global variables, but variables in the calling routine's scope.) A safer alternative is to explicitly pass in all needed values and return a list as output.
R uses lexical scoping while S-PLUS uses static scope. The difference can be subtle, particularly when using closures.
Since variables cannot be declared — they pop into existence on first assignment — it is not always easy to determine the scope of a variable. You cannot tell just by looking at the source code of a function whether a variable is local to that function.
Here are a few miscellaneous facts about R that may be useful.
displays help on any functionfctn
, as in Python.- To invoke complex arithmetic, add
to a number. For example,sqrt(-1)
, butsqrt(-1 + 0i)
returns0 + 1i
. sessionInfo()
prints the R version, OS, packages loaded, etc.ls()
shows which objects are defined.rm(list=ls())
clears all defined objects.dev.new()
opens a new plotting window without overwriting the previous one.- The function
does not change its argument. - Distribution function prefixes
stand for density (PDF), probability (CDF), quantile (CDF-1), and random sample. For example,dnorm
is the density function of a normal random variable andrnorm
generates a sample from a normal random variable. The corresponding functions for a uniform random variable aredunif
Other resources
Radford Neal's series on design flaws in R. Part I, II, III.
StackOverflow questions tagged 'R'