Convert pitch between Hz and Barks
If more than one box has a valid entry, the first one is used.
The frequency of a pitch in Hertz (Hz) is the number of cycles per second. For example, an A 440 has a pitch of 440 Hz, 440 vibrations per second.
Bark scale
The Bark scale is a psychoacoustic measure of frequency, dividing the audible range into 24 bands that are equal in a physiological sense having to do with the human hearing system. The unit "Bark" was named in honor of acoustician Heinrich Barkhausen.
There are several slightly different ways to convert between frequency in Hz and Barks. This page uses
z = 6 arcsinh(f/600)
to convert frequency f in Hz to critical band rate z in Barks.
The inverse formula is
f = 600 sinh(z/6).
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Is there anything else I can help you with? Maybe something with acoustics? I have many years of experience as both a professional mathematician and an amateur musician.