I have one personal Twitter account, @JohnDCook, and numerous technical accounts. These accounts post once per day, Monday through Friday, and have occasional unscheduled posts. You can also find me on Mathstodon.
Here are my technical Twitter accounts by topic. You can find them all on this Twitter list.
Math and statistics
@ProbFact | Probability | |
@DataSciFact | Data science, statistics, ML, etc. | |
@AnalysisFact | Real and complex analysis | |
@AlgebraFact | Algebra, number theory, etc. | |
@NetworkFact | Networks and graphs | |
@LogicPractice | Logic and applications | |
@TopologyFact | Topology and geometry | |
@diff_eq | Differential equations | |
@dsp_fact | Digital signal processing etc. |
@CompSciFact | Computer science | |
@FunctorFact | Category theory and FP | |
@SciPyTip | Scientific computing in Python | |
@UnixToolTip | Unix command line utilities | |
@RegexTip | Regular expressions in general | |
@TeXtip | TeX and LaTeX tips, typography |
Science and medicine
@ScienceTip | Miscellaneous science and medicine |