Duplicating a hand-drawn contour plot

Like the previous post, this post also seeks to approximately reproduce a hand-drawn plot. This time the goal is reproduce figure 7.3 from A&S page 298.

This plot is a visualizing of the function of a complex variable

w(z) = exp(−z²) erfc(− iz)

where erfc is the complementary error function.

A&S calls the graph above an “altitude chart.” This could be a little misleading since it’s the overlay of two plots. One plot is the absolute value of w(z), which could well be called altitude. But it also contains a plot of the phase. To put it another way, if we denote the values of the function in polar form r exp(iθ) the altitude chart is an overlay of a plot of r and a plot of θ.

We begin by defining

f[z_] := Exp[-z^2] Erfc[-I z]

The following code reproduces the lines of constant phase fairly well.

ContourPlot[Arg[f[x + I y]], {x, 0.1, 3.1}, {y, -2.5, 3}, 
    Contours -> 20, ContourShading -> None, AspectRatio -> 1.6]

The lines of constant absolute value take a little more effort to reproduce. If we let Mathematica pick where to put the contour lines, they will not be distributed the same way they were in A&S.

ContourPlot[Abs[f[x + I y]], {x, 0, 3.1}, {y, -2.6, 3}, 
    Contours -> 20, ContourShading -> None, AspectRatio -> 1.6]

We can duplicated the spacing in the original plot by providing Mathematica a list of contour values rather than number of contour values.

ContourPlot[Abs[f[x + I y]], {x, 0, 3.1}, {y, -2.6, 3}, 
    Contours -> {0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 100}, 
    ContourShading -> None, AspectRatio -> 1.6]

(For reasons I don’t understand, Mathematica does not draw the contours corresponding to w = 10 and w = 100.)

When I overlay the phase and absolute value plots with the Show command I get a plot approximately reproducing the original.

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Reproducing a hand-drawn plot

The plots in old (i.e. pre-computer) math books are impressive. These plots took a lot of effort to produce, and so they weren’t created lightly. Consequently they tend to be aesthetically and mathematically interesting. A few weeks ago I recreated a plot from A&S using Mathematica, and today I’d like to do the same for the plot below from a different source [1].

Here is my approximate reproduction.

I’ll give the mathematical details below for those who are interested.

The plot shows “normalized associated Legendre functions of the first kind.” There are two families of Legendre polynomials, denoted P and Q; we’re interested in the former. “Associated” means polynomials that are derived the Legendre polynomials by taking derivatives. Normalized means the polynomials are multiplied by constants so that their squares integrate to 1 over [−1, 1].

Mathematica has a function LegendreP[n, m, x] that implements the associated Legendre polynomials Pnm(x). I didn’t see that Mathematica has a function for the normalized version of these functions, so I rolled by own.

f[n_, m_, x_] := (-1)^n LegendreP[n, m, x] 
        Sqrt[(2 n + 1) Factorial[n - m]/(2 Factorial[n + m])]

I added the alternating sign term up front after discovering that apparently the original plot used a different convention for defining Pnm than Mathematica uses.

I make my plot by stacking the plots created by

Plot[Table[f[n, n, x], {n, 1, 8}],  {x, 0, 1}]


Plot[Table[f[n + 4, n, x], {n, 0, 4}],  {x, 0, 1}]

The original plot shows P4(x). I used the fact that this equals P40(x) to simplify the code. I also left out the flat line plotting P0 because I thought that looked better.

Related post: Duplicating a Hankel function plot from A&S.

[1] Tables Of Functions With Formulae And Curves by Fritz Emde, published in 1945. Available on Archive.org.

Duplicating Hankel plot from A&S

Abramowitz and Stegun has quite a few intriguing plots. The post will focus on the follow plot, Figure 9.4, available here.

A&S figure 9.4

We will explain what the plot is and approximately reproduce it.

The plot comes from the chapter on Bessel functions, but the caption says it is a plot of the Hankel function H0(1). Why a plot of a Hankel function and not a Bessel function? The Hankel functions are linear combinations of the Bessel functions of the first and second kind:

H0(1) = J0i Y0

More on that Hankel functions and their relations to Bessel functions here.

The plot is the overlay of two kinds of contour plots: one for lines of constant magnitude and one for lines of constant phase. That is, if the function values are written in the form reiθ then one plot shows lines of constant r and one plot shows lines of constant θ.

We can roughly reproduce the plot of magnitude contours with the following Mathematica command:

ContourPlot[Abs[HankelH1[0, x + I y]], {x, -4, 2 }, {y, -1.5 , 1.5 }, 
 Contours -> 20, ContourShading -> None, AspectRatio -> 1/2]

This produces the following plot.

Absolute value contour

Similarly, we can replace Abs with Arg in the Mathematica command and increase Contours to 30 to obtain the following phase contour plot.

Phase contour

Finally, we can stack the two plots on top of each other using Mathematica’s Show command.

Magnitude and phase contours

By the way, you can clearly see the branch cut in the middle. The Hankel function is continuous (even analytic) as you move clockwise from the second quadrant around to the third, but it is discontinuous across the negative real axis because of the branch cut.

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Constellations in Mathematica

Mathematica has data on stars and constellations. Here is Mathematica code to create a list of constellations, sorted by the declination (essentially latitude on the celestial sphere) of the brightest star in the constellation.

constellations = EntityList["Constellation"]
sorted = SortBy[constellations, -#["BrightStars"][[1]]["Declination"] &]

We can print the name of each constellation with

Map[#["Name"] &, sorted]

This yields

{"Ursa Minor", "Cepheus", "Cassiopeia", "Camelopardalis", 
…, "Hydrus", "Octans", "Apus"}

We can print the name of the constellation along with its brightest star as follows.

Scan[Print[#["Name"], ", " #["BrightStars"][[1]]["Name"]] &, sorted]

This prints

Ursa Minor, Polaris
Cepheus, Alderamin
Cassiopeia, Tsih
Camelopardalis, β Camelopardalis
Hydrus, β Hydri
Octans, ν Octantis
Apus, α Apodis

Mathematica can draw star charts for constellations, but when I tried

Entity["Constellation", "Orion"]["ConstellationGraphic"]

it produced extraneous text on top of the graphic.

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A disk around Paris

The other day I saw an image of a large disk centered on Paris subjected to the Mercator projection. I was playing around in Mathematica and made similar images for different projections. Each image below is a disk of radius 4200 km centered on Paris (latitude 49°, longitude 2°).

All images were produced with the following Mathematica code, changing the GeoProjection argument each time.

    GeoGraphics[GeoDisk[GeoPosition[{49, 2}],
       Quantity[4200, "Kilometers"] ],
       GeoProjection -> "...", 
       GeoRange -> "World"]

Robinson projection

    … GeoProjection -> "Robinson", …

Robinson projection

Winkel-Snyder projection

    … GeoProjection -> "WinkelSnyder", …

Winkel-Snyder projection

Orthographic projection

    … GeoProjection -> "Orthographic", …

Orthographic projection

Lambert Azimuthal projection

    … GeoProjection -> "LambertAzimuthal", …

Lambert Azimuthal projection

Peirce Quincuncial projection

    … GeoProjection -> "PeirceQuincuncial", …

Peirce Quincuncial projection

This last projection has some interesting mathematics and history behind it. See this post for the backstory.

Curvature: principal, Gauss, and mean

This post will compute the center of curvature for an object described in the previous post. In order to do that we first need to describe principle curvature and Gauss curvature, and we’ll throw in mean curvature while we’re at it.

Let S be a surface sitting in three dimensional space. No need for more generality to get where we want to go. At any point p on S we can draw curves on the S through p and compute the curvature at p. The curvature is the reciprocal of the radius of the kissing circle.

If we draw curves through p in every direction, some may have larger or smaller curvature than others. Let k1 and k2 be the minimum and maximum curvatures at p. These re the principal curvatures. The product k1 k2 of the principle curvatures is the Gaussian curvature and their average ( k1 + k2)/2 is the mean curvature. Incidentally, when principle curvatures are not equal. the directions in which the curvature is minimized and maximized are orthogonal.

In the previous post I said that the center of curvature for the surface with equation

x^2 + y^2 + (z/h)^2 = s^2 (x^2 + y^2) (z/h)^2 + 1

is finite because the curvature is always positive. In particular, we wanted to know the center of curvature at the bottom, where x = y = 0 and z = −h.

The calculation to get there is messy, but the end result is simple: the principle curvatures are equal by symmetry, and both equal 1 − s². Therefore the center of curvature is at z = 1/(1 − s²).

Calculation details

The following Mathematica code calculates the (signed) curvature of a curve of the form F(x, y) = 0.

k[f_, x_, y_] := (D[f[x, y], y]^2 D[f[x, y], {x, 2}] - 
    2 D[f[x, y], x] D[f[x, y], y] D[f[x, y], {x, 1}, {y, 1}] + 
    D[f[x, y], x]^2 D[f[x, y], {y, 2}]) / (D[f[x, y], x]^2 + 
     D[f[x, y], y]^2)^(3/2)


g[x_, y_] := x^2 + y^2 - s^2 x^2 y^1 - 1

and replace y with z/h. When we evaluate the curvature at x = 0 and simplify

Simplify[k[g, x, y] /. { y -> z/h, x -> 0}, Assumptions -> {h > 0}]

we get

(hs² z) / |z|.

When z = −h we find that the unsigned curvature is 1 − s². In the previous post we assumed h > 1, but the calculation above shows that if h < 1 it’s possible for the curvature to be 0. (Recall s must be between 0 and 1.)

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Checksum polynomials

A large class of checksum algorithms have the following pattern:

  1. Think of the bits in a file as the coefficients in a polynomial P(x).
  2. Divide P(x) by a fixed polynomial Q(x) mod 2 and keep the remainder.
  3. Report the remainder as a sequence of bits.

In practice there’s a little more to the algorithm than this, such as appending the length of the file, but the above pattern is at the heart of the algorithm.

There’s a common misconception that the polynomial Q(x) is irreducible, i.e. cannot be factored. This may or may not be the case.


Perhaps the most common choice of Q is

Q(x) = x32 + x26 + x23 + x22 + x16 + x12 + x11 + x10 + x8 + x7 + x5 + x4 + x3 + x2 + x + 1

This polynomial is used in the cksum utility and is part of numerous standards. It’s know as CRC-32 polynomial, though there are other polynomials occasionally used in 32-bit implementations of the CRC algorithm. And it is far from irreducible as the following Mathematica code shows. The command

    Factor[x^32 + x^26 + x^23 + x^22 + x^16 + x^12 + 
           x^11 + x^10 + x^8 +  x^7 + x^5 + x^4 + 
           x^3 + x^2 + x + 1, Modulus -> 2]

shows that Q can be factored as

(1 + x)5 (1 + x + x3 + x4 + x6) (1 + x + x2 + x5 + x6)
(1 + x + x4 + x6 + x7) (1 + x + x4 + x5 + x6 + x7 + x8)

(Mathematica displays polynomials in increasing order of terms.)

Note that the factorization is valid when done over the field with 2 elements, GF(2). Whether a polynomial can be factored, and what the factors are, depends on what field you do your arithmetic in. The polynomial Q(x) above is irreducible as a polynomial with real coefficients. It can be factored working mod 3, for example, but it factors differently mod 3 than it factors mod 2. Here’s the factorization mod 3:

(1 + 2 x2 + 2 x3 + x4 + x5) (2 + x + 2 x2 + x3 + 2 x4 + x6 + x7)
(2 + x + x3 + 2 x7 + x8 + x9 + x10 + 2 x12 + x13 + x15 + 2 x16 + x17 + x18 + x19 + x20)


The polynomial

Q(x) = x64 + x4 + x3 + x + 1

is known as CRC-64, and is part of several standards, including ISO 3309. This polynomial is irreducible mod 2 as the following Mathematica code confirms.

    IrreduciblePolynomialQ[x^64 + x^4 + x^3 + x + 1, Modulus -> 2]

The CRC algorithm uses this polynomial mod 2, but out of curiosity I checked whether it is irreducible in other contexts. The following code tests whether the polynomial is irreducible modulo the first 100 primes.

    Table[IrreduciblePolynomialQ[x^64 + x^4 + x^3 + x + 1, 
        Modulus -> Prime[n]], {n, 1, 100}]

It is irreducible mod p for p = 2, 233, or 383, but not for any other primes up to 541. It’s also irreducible over the real numbers.

Since Q is irreducible mod 2, the check sum essentially views its input P(x) as a member of the finite field GF(264).

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Curvature at Cairo

I was flipping through Gravitation [1] this weekend and was curious about an illustration on page 309. This post reproduces that graph.

The graph is centered at Cairo, Egypt and includes triangles whose side lengths are the distances between cities. The triangles are calculated using only distances, not by measuring angles per se.

The geometry of each triangle is Euclidean: giving the three edge lengths fixes all the features of the figure, including the indicated angle. … The triangles that belong to a given vertex [i.e. Cairo], laid out on a flat surface, fail to meet.

I will reproduce the plot in Python because I’m more familiar with making plots there. But I’ll get the geographic data out of Mathematica, because I know how to do that there.

Geographic information from Mathematica

I found the distances between the various cities using the GeoDistance function in Mathematica. The arguments to GeoDistance are “entities” which are a bit opaque. When using Mathematica interactively, you can use ctrl + = to enter the name of an entity. There’s some guesswork, e.g. whether I meant New York City or the state of New York when I entered “New York”, but Mathematica guessed correctly. The following code lists the city entities explicitly.

    cities = {
        Entity["City", {"Cairo", "Cairo", "Egypt"}], 
        Entity["City", {"Delhi", "Delhi", "India"}], 
        Entity["City", {"Moscow", "Moscow", "Russia"}], 
        Entity["City", {"Brussels", "Brussels", "Belgium"}], 
        Entity["City", {"Reykjavik", "Hofudhborgarsvaedhi", "Iceland"}], 
        Entity["City", {"NewYork", "NewYork", "UnitedStates"}], 
        Entity["City", {"CapeTown", "WesternCape", "SouthAfrica"}], 
        Entity["City", {"PortLouis", "PortLouis", "Mauritius"}] }

Most of these are predictable, but I would not have guessed the code for Reykjavik or Cape Town. I found these by using the command InputForm and entering the entities as above.

I found the distance from Cairo to each of the other cities with

    Table[GeoDistance[cities[[1]], cities[[i]]], {i, 2, 8}]

and the distances from the cities to their neighbors with

    Table[GeoDistance[cities[[i]], cities[[i + 1]]], {i, 2, 7}]
    GeoDistance[cities[[8]], cities[[2]]]

Drawing the plot

Now that we’ve got the data, how do we draw the plot?

Let’s put Cairo at the origin. First we draw a line from Cairo to Delhi. We might as well put Delhi on the x-axis to make things simple.

Next we need to plot Moscow. We know the distance R1 from Cairo to Moscow, and the distance R2 from Delhi to Moscow. So imagine drawing a circle of radius R1 centered at Cairo and a circle of radius R1 centered at Delhi. Moscow is located where the two circles intersect. The previous post shows how to find the intersection of circles.

The two circles intersect in at two points, so which do we choose? We choose the intersection point that preserves the orientation of the original graph (and the globe). As we go through the cities in counterclockwise order, the cross product of the previous line to the next line should have positive z component.

This shows that the original graph was not to scale, though the gap between triangles was approximately to scale. In hindsight this should have been obvious: Brussels and Reykjavik are much closer to each other than Capetown and New York are.

The gap

Why the gap? Because the earth is curved at Cairo (and everywhere else). If the earth were flat, the triangles would fit together without any gaps.

There’s no gap when you take spherical triangles on the globe. But even though the triangles preserve length when projected to the plane, they cannot preserve angles too. The sum of the angles in a spherical triangle adds up to more than 180°, and the amount by which the sum exceeds 180° is proportional to the size of the spherical triangle. Since the angles of triangles in the plane do add up to 180°, each flat triangle fails to capture a bit of the corresponding spherical triangles, and the failures add up to the gap we see in the image.

[1] Gravitation by Misner, Thorne, and Wheeler. 1973.

Creating a Traveling Salesman Tour of Texas with Mathematica

A Traveling Salesman tour visits a list of destinations using the shortest path. There’s an obvious way to find the shortest path connecting N points: try all N! paths and see which one is shortest. Unfortunately, that might take a while.

Texas has 254 counties, and so calculating a tour of Texas counties by brute force would examine 254! paths, over 10500 paths. In theory, large Traveling Salesman problems are unsolvable. In practice they can often be solved quickly. As is often the case, the key is to give yourself just a little slack and look for solutions that are close to optimal.

I’ve used the example of a Traveling Salesman tour of Texas before because it makes a nice visual. People asked me for the code that made the image, but I didn’t save the code and didn’t remember offhand how to re-create it. So here’s the code for future reference.

Incidentally, computing the tour itself took only a second or two. Creating the visualization took several seconds.

    texas = Entity["AdministrativeDivision", "Texas"]; 
    counties = texas["Subdivisions"];
    tour = FindShortestTour[texas["Subdivisions"]];
    GeoGraphics[{Thick, Red, GeoPath[counties[[tour[[2]]]]]}]

Here counties is a list of objects representing Texas counties, sorted by alphabetical order, from Anderson County to Zavala County.

The tour object is a pair of a distance and a list of integers. The distance, 6780.74 nautical miles, is the length of the tour. The integers are the indexes of the counties in the tour.

{6780.74 nmi, {1, 107, 234, …, 201, 37, 1}}

The tour starts with the first county, Anderson County. It’s got to start somewhere, and I expect it always starts with the first item in the list. Next it goes to the 107th county, Henderson County, and so on. Because FindShortestTour returns a closed tour, the tour ends where it started, in Anderson County.

Related posts: Traveling Salesman tours of Africa, Americas, Eurasia and Oceania.

Cayley graphs in Mathematica

The previous post mentioned the group S4, the group of all permutations of a set with four elements. This post will show a way to visualize this group.

The Mathematica command

        VertexLabels -> Placed["Name", Center],
        VertexSize -> 0.4]

generates the graph below.

Cayley graph of alternating group S4

This is an interesting image, but what does it mean?

The elements of S4 are represented by the circled numbers. The numbers correspond to the permutations of four elements, listed in lexicographical order. If you label the four elements a, b, c, and d then the permutations are listed in alphabetical order. Permutation 1 is [1, 2, 3, 4] to itself and Permutation 24 is its reverse [4, 3, 2, 1].

In the Mathematica application, mousing over a number shows which permutation it represents, though the static image above doesn’t have this feature.

The blue arrows represent the permutation that swaps the first two elements. So the blue arrow between node 1 and node 7 says that swapping the first two elements of Permutation 1 gives you Permutation 7, which is [2, 1, 3, 4]. The blue arrow going back from 7 to 1 says that the same swapping operation applied to Permutation 7 returns you to Permutation 1.

All the blue arrows come in pairs because swapping is its own inverse.

The green arrows represent a rotation. For example, the green arrow from 1 to 10 says that rotation turns [1, 2, 3, 4] into [2, 3, 4, 1]. The rotation operation is not its own inverse, so the arrows only go in one direction. But every green arrow is part of a diamond because applying the rotation operation four times sends you back where you started.

You can get from any permutation to any other permutation by repeatedly either swapping the first two elements or applying a rotation. In group theoretical terminology, these two permutations generate the group S4.

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