Technical books I’ve written about this year

Here are some of the books I’ve mentioned in blog posts this year. One of these books may be just the present for a geek in your life. This post looks at technical books: math, science, engineering, programming. I’ll have a follow-up post with non-technical books I’ve written about. (Update: here’s the non-technical list.) Programming Book […]

Insight 2015

A few weeks ago I got a message on Twitter saying that IBM’s Watson had identified me as an “influencer” and invited me to the company’s Insight 2015 conference. So that’s where I am this week. I had a brief interview last night. Someone took this photo as we were setting up.

Why not statistics

Jordan Ellenberg’s parents were both statisticians. In his interview with Strongly Connected Components Jordan explains why he went into mathematics rather than statistics. I tried. I tried to learn some statistics actually when I was younger and it’s a beautiful subject. But at the time I think I found the shakiness of the philosophical underpinnings […]

Uses for orthogonal polynomials

When I interviewed Daniel Spielman at this year’s Heidelberg Laureate Forum, we began our conversation by looking for common mathematical ground. The first thing that came up was orthogonal polynomials. (If you’re wondering what it means for two polynomials to be orthogonal, see here.) JC: Orthogonal polynomials are kind of a lost art, a topic […]

Down to a science

Seth Juarez quipped in an interview that when people say they’ve got something “down to a science,” they probably don’t mean what they’re saying. Science is about making guesses and testing to see whether they’re right. Related post: Take chances, make mistakes, and get messy

What good is an old weather forecast?

Why would anyone care about what the weather was predicted to be once you know what the weather actually was? Because people make decisions based in part on weather predictions, not just weather. Eric Floehr of ForecastWatch told me that people are starting to realize this and are increasingly interested in his historical prediction data. […]