The previous post looked at how to compute Q(n), the number of permutations of 1, 2, 3, …, n + 1 that contain no consecutive integers. We found a way to numerically compute Q(n) but no analytic expression that would let us compute asymptotics.
The sequence Q(n) is sequence A000255 in OEIS, and OEIS gives the exponential generating function of Q:
We can use this function and Theorem 5.2.1 from [1] to get the asymptotic form of Q(n). According to that theorem, the coefficient of xn in our generating function is asymptotically the same as the coefficient of xn in the principle part at the singularity at 1. This principle part is
and so the coefficient of xn is (n + 2)/e.
and Q(n) / (n + 1)! approaches 1/e for large n, as conjectured in the previous post.
[1] Herbert S. Wilf. Generatingfunctionology. Second edition.