Gaussian elimination is pretty simple if all goes well, and in introductory courses all does go well.
You have an n × n matrix A, an n × 1 column vector b, and you want to find an n × 1 column vector x such that Ax = b.
You subtract multiples of the first rows of A and b to zero out all the elements below a11. Then you subtract multiples of the second rows of A and b to zero out all the elements below a22. You keep doing this until all the elements below the diagonal are zero. Then you can solve for x using back substitution.
The process above is called naive Gaussian elimination. This post is for people who are familiar with naive Gaussian elimination but who do not realize it is naive.
Creating zeros
Suppose the first two rows of our matrix A are as follows:
2 * * * …
3 * * * …
Then you subtract 3/2 times the new first row from the second:
2 * * * …
0 * * * …
You would continue to subtract multiples of the first row from the rest of the rows.
What could go wrong?
What if the first two rows looked like this?
0 * * * …
3 * * * …
In this case naive Gaussian elimination fails on the first step. As far as I recall, I never saw an example like that when I took linear algebra: naive Gaussian elimination always worked. I don’t think I ever ran into this possibility until I took a course in numerical analysis.
The simplest way around the problem would be to swap the first two rows:
3 * * * …
0 * * * …
I imagine this strategy was commonly done in hand calculations long before anyone gave the process a name. I said that I don’t remember encountering this problem in a linear algebra class. Maybe it came up in a homework problem and I swapped rows without thinking about it. But if you’re going to write software to implement Gaussian elimination, you have to think about these things systematically.
You might have a program literally swap rows, or if you’re more performance-conscious you might conceptually swap the rows, keeping track of the swaps with an index but without moving data in memory.
Pivots and pivoting
The first element in the first row is called a pivot. More generally, the akk element at the kth step of Gaussian elimination is a pivot. When you run into a zero pivot, you have a logical problem: naive Gaussian elimination cannot proceed without some help, i.e. swapping rows. Less obvious but still true is that if you run into a small pivot, you have a numerical problem. When carrying out calculations on a computer with floating point arithmetic, small but non-zero pivots can lead to loss of accuracy, possibly catastrophic loss.
Swapping rows to avoid small pivots is called partial pivoting. Partial pivoting is usually [1] adequate in practice. Complete pivoting allows the possibility of swapping columns as well. You can go down a deep rabbit hole exploring the nuances of various pivoting strategies.
Gaussian elimination is part of the high school curriculum, but there are a lot of practical issues to work out when applying this apparently simple algorithm. As numerical analysis expert Lloyd Trefethen put it, “The closer one looks, the more subtle and remarkable Gaussian elimination appears.”
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[1] “Despite [artificially constructed examples] Gaussian elimination with partial pivoting is utterly stable in practice. … In fifty years of computing, no matrix problems that create explosive instability are known to have arisen under natural circumstances.” — LLoyd Trefethen and David Bau. Numerical Linear Algebra. 2022.