Mnemonic images with Grok 3

The Major mnemonic system makes numbers easier to memorize by encoding them as words. Each digit corresponds to one or more consonant sounds, and you can fill in vowels as you wish.

In August 2022 I tried creating a few images using DALL-E 2. The results were disappointing and sometimes disturbing.

To illustrate the use of the Major system, I gave the example of memorizing a list of the US presidents by creating mental images associating each president with the number of their term as president. For example, Franklin Delano Roosevelt was the 32nd POTUS. You can encode 32 as “moon”, so you might imagine FDR looking up at the moon.

At the time, Grover Cleveland was the only US President to serve two non-consecutive terms, being both the 22nd and 24th president. I asked DALL-E to create an image of Grover the Muppet holding an onion (22) and a wiener dog (24). This was too much for DALL-E at the time. The image below was as close as I could get.

Blue dog holding cucumber dog?

When I asked Grok 3 for a similar image it did a much better job. To be fair, it initially put a different dog breed in Grover’s hand, but I asked it to change the dog to a dachshund and it performed admirably.

Grover holding an onion and a wiener dog

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