It’s easy to manipulate CSV files with basic command line tools until you need to do a join. When your data is spread over two different files, like two tables in a normalized database, joining the files is more difficult unless the two files have the same keys in the same order. Fortunately, the xsv utility is just the tool for the job. Among other useful features, xsv
supports database-like joins.
Suppose you want to look at weights broken down by sex, but weights are in one file and sex is in another. The weight file alone doesn’t tell you whether the weights belong to men or women.
Suppose a file weight.csv
has the following rows:
ID,weight 123,200 789,155 999,160
and a file person.csv
has the following:
ID,sex 123,M 456,F 789,F
Note that the two files have different ID
values: 123 and 789 are in both files, 999 is only in weight.csv
and 456 is only in person.csv
. We want to join the two tables together, analogous to the JOIN
command in SQL.
The command
xsv join ID person.csv ID weight.csv
does just this, producing
ID,sex,ID,weight 123,M,123,200 789,F,789,155
by joining the two tables on their ID
The command includes ID
twice, once for the field called ID
in person.csv
and once for the field called ID in weight.csv
. The fields could have different names. For example, if the first column of person.csv
were renamed Key
, then the command
xsv join Key person.csv ID weight.csv
would produce
Key,sex,ID,weight 123,M,123,200 789,F,789,155
We’re not interested in the ID
columns per se; we only want to use them to join the two files. We could suppress them in the output by asking xsv
to select the second and fourth columns of the output
xsv join Key person.csv ID weight.csv | xsv select 2,4
which would return
sex,weight M,200 F,155
We can do other kinds of joins by passing a modifier to join. For example, if we do a left join, we will include all rows in the left file, person.csv
, even if there isn’t a match in the right file, weight.csv
. The weight will be missing for such records, and so
$ xsv join --left Key person.csv ID weight.csv
Key,sex,ID,weight 123,M,123,200 456,F,, 789,F,789,155
Right joins are analogous, including every record from the second file, and so
xsv join --right Key person.csv ID weight.csv
Key,sex,ID,weight 123,M,123,200 789,F,789,155 ,,999,160
You can also do a full join, with
xsv join --full Key person.csv ID weight.csv
Key,sex,ID,weight 123,M,123,200 456,F,, 789,F,789,155 ,,999,160
Hi John. You may find it useful to note that you can do all of the above with the built-in gnu bash join command. Add cut or awk to get fancy. Best, Jon
basic join$ join -t ‘,’ person.csv weight.csv
suppressed join$ join -t ‘,’ person.csv weight.csv | cut -d ‘,’ -f 2-3
full join$ join -o auto -a 1 -a 2 -t ‘,’ person.csv weight.csv
Note, the files must be sorted which isn’t always feasible. You can pick arbitrary delimiters. You can use grep -f for selection so long as keys are unique. But generally having these things built in from the shell is nice. Agree that keeping things in simple csv files is a great way forward.
And if you use the vnlog toolkit, you can use the normal GNU join AND refer to fields by name. No cut or awk required.
Alternatively, to manage CSV files very efficiently, mlr (Miller) is also a good candidate
see for the joining feature
xsv seems like a fantastic tool, thanks for the link.
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